RIDE WITH White Knuckled Trucker Driving in Wyoming Winter
In the video below you ride along with a trucker who decided to post his dashcam video of a white knuckle drive across Wyoming in winter.
Sometimes you just have to look at Wyoming's winter road conditions and say - NOPE!
But some need to be out there because that is their job.
Driving a truck cross country is tough enough as it is. Driving it across Wyoming in the winter takes out any fun that might have been left in it.
Who thought it was a good idea to pull a trailer in conditions like this?
I'm sure truckers get nervous when they see other truckers upside down in the ditch.
At least these guys have their CB radios so they can pass the word down the line of what's up ahead.
As you watch the video below you'll hear these drivers helping each other out. You'll also be able to pick out the tension in their voices along with their professionalism
Despite their best efforts sometimes somebody goes sideways.
Worse yet might be when one vehicle wipes out and the rest have no way to stop on all that ice.
The video will take you through it all, ice, sleet, snow, rain, and more of that all over again.
Thankfully our friend who shot this video on his dash cam' was able to make it from one end of the state to the other safe and sound.
But he saw a lot of people who didn't on his way through.
HERE IS THE VIDEO. I really think you'll enjoy the parts with the CB radio chatter.