All Clarissa Martin wanted to do was sit out back and enjoy Wyoming, with a glass of wine in her hand.

What could possibly go wrong?

Well, it's Wyoming. It's also the end of February.

The problem will be getting that wine from the bottle into the glass.

Maybe she should have bought a box of wine with a pour spout.

Clarissa looks so happy in this first moment. You're looking at pictures grabbed from her Facebook video. You can watch her video at this link.

Ah, the anticipation of relaxing with a glass of wine.

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But then she has to pour the wine.

Maybe she should have done this inside.

The wind was 40mph on this day and gusting to 60mph.

Gravity is still working. So she has that going for her.

But the wind is between the wine bottle and the glass.

That creates a problem.

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Undeterred, she keeps on pouring.

Perhaps the wind will slow for just a moment and she can get a little wine into that glass.

Maybe she should just give up and drink straight from the bottle.

No, the neighbors might be looking.

They would think she has a drinking problem, sitting out back in this horrid weather, drinking from a bottle. Better to use the glass.

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Hold on, she got a little in the glass.


But most of it is getting away.

I'm sure folks in Florida get to sit outside and enjoy their wine.

But Florida has snakes, alligators, and misquotes.


The Lighthouses Of Wyoming

I really have NO idea why you clicked on this link.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Medicine Bow Wyoming Road Art

There is a strange mind at work in Medicine Bow Wyoming.

Someone who is disturbed, yet having a lot of fun at the same time.

This person wants to share that fun with you.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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