Watch a Colorado Bull Elk Get Rescued from a Blue Tarp
It's not clear how he ended up in this predicament, but fortunately a Colorado bull elk was rescued from a large blue tarp he had become entangled in west of Loveland.

CBS Denver shared this short video showing what happened when a bull elk became stuck with a tarp in his antlers. Fortunately, a good Samaritan contacted Colorado Parks and Wildlife or this might not have had a happy ending.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife normally warns the public to leave wildlife alone. In this case, whoever reported this bull elk entanglement did exactly the right thing. They contacted wildlife officials so they could save the animal instead of trying to intervene themselves.
As Bone Collector mentions, this is normally the time of year when shed hunters are out looking for racks that these large animals have lost. For this bull elk, he probably wishes his would have shed along with that nasty tarp.
All's well that ends well...even for bull elk.
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