Would You Ride A Bull Chariot?
Well somebody needed to do something different in the sport of bull riding, I guess.
Imagine hooking up a chariot to a raging bull and letting it pull you around while it tries to destroy you and your ride.
Honestly, how would that even work?
Well, you get a long bar and hook it to the bull way out in front of the...
You know, never mind. You just need to see this.
It's called what you think it would be called. Bull Chariot.
Not only does the bull not like being attached to the harness but he really wants to rip that chariot apart too.
Watch as each of these bulls try to turn back on the cart that they are pulling. They can't seem to make it because of the way they are rigged.
So how does this end? Does the bull keep going until it's exhausted? That's one option.
Maybe the bull can flip the chariot. But if he does he's going to be on his side too. That won't work. Then again bulls are not very smart.
Okay, so the next question needs to be, who the heck thought this up?
After they thought it up somebody had to invent this contraption.
Then somebody had to strap it to a bull. I'd hate to be that last guy.
Nobody has seen bull chariots in Wyoming, yet.
Sooner or later it's going to happen, I hope.
After this, what next? What weird new bull sport will somebody think of?
Whatever it is it's going to be hard to top this.