Wyoming Woman Uses Reverse New Year’s Resolutions
Every year I make New Year's resolutions and the opposite thing happens, said Ellie of Hanna Wyoming.
We've all heard of using reverse psychology on a person.
What if we used it on ourselves?
Ellie wondered that out loud and decided that she had nothing to lose so she would give it a try.
Every time I see cookies or donuts I'm going to eat as many as I can, said Ellie with a big smile.
She's tried pledging to resist them but each time had only ended up eating as many as she could.
I'm going to double the amount of cigarettes I smoke.
She tried to quit smoking but went from a pack-a-day person to a pack-and-a-half. She figures if she promised to smoke three packs a day she might get down to half a pack a day.
One year Ellie got frustrated and announced that her New Year resolution was to not make any resolutions.
As soon as she said it she realized that by making that resolution she had already broken it.
Sorry Ellie, you just can't win.
But give that reverse psychology thing a try and let us know how it works out. We are all curious to know.
The average New Year resolution is kept for about two weeks then the person gives up.
So perhaps we should just all promise to go to the gym and eat right and maybe save our money for the next two weeks. That way we can say we reached our goals just like we promised ourselves.
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