This past weekend, and one week before Wyoming's primary deadline, a friend of mine from Gillette Wyoming sent me some photos of what appears to be an absentee ballot that she received in the mail.

The mail-in ballot request had Liz Cheney's name on them.

Ironically this person used to work for the Cheney Campaign, but she now works for the Hageman campaign.

"These are in no way official!" she said in a note to me.

To be clear these are not actually ballots, but requests for absentee ballots.

If you received one please know that they were not sent by the clerk of your county but by the Cheney Campaign.

You can see that by these words in the top right-hand corner.

attachment-ballot-3-8-5-22-cheney campaign

I do not see anything that says "VOTE FOR LIZ CHENEY."

The words “OFFICIAL ELECTION DOCUMENT ENCLOSED," makes it appear official but campaign law says the Cheney campaign has to put on the mailer that her campaign paid for the mailer.

Many who have received these across Wyoming here are concerned enough to call their county clerks.

Once again, these are "absentee ballot request forms." They are NOT official.

They were sent to voters across Wyoming.

They are not from your county clerk's office even though the return address is that of your county clerk in your county.

Here is one sent to some friends of mine in Cheyenne.

attachment-ballot request cheney campaign

Cowboy State Daily asked Cheney’s spokesman Jeremy Adler about the mailer. He did not immediately return a text and voicemail Friday requesting a comment.

This reminds me of mailers I have received from auto dealerships. They look like overnight mail, but they are stamped "bulk rate." They contain checks for thousands of dollars that are not actually worth anything.

This mailout seems to ride the edge of ethical... but isn't quite unethical.

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