BEWARE: Wyoming Is Open Again, But Roads Are Sketchy
Many Wyoming highways had closed before that last big weekend storm, 01/28-01/29.
That was due to blowing snow that left drifts and large patches of ice across interstates and highways.
Over the weekend, almost every road in the state of Wyoming was closed because of the storm.
Tuesday morning, after a lot of cleanup, almost everything is open.
UPDATE: As of later Tuesday morning I-25 between Cheyenne & Wheatland is closed and I-80 between Laramie & Cheyenne closed, due to blowing snow.
Here comes that blasted wind.
Much of that snow is still fresh, light, and fluffy.
That mean's it's easy to blow around.
So WYDOT is sure to close roads again until the wind settles.
This is Wyoming, in the winter. How often does the wind settle?
There is a possibility of light snow falling in parts of Wyoming on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
Don Day will explain more, in detail, in the video below.
The region will go through a slow warmup, out of the negative numbers, past the single digits, and even into the mid to low 40s by Friday.
Warmer air coming in means wind.
And here we go again with more blowing snow.
If you are traveling any Wyoming highways, be they interstate or state highways, you will find areas where you can actually get up to the speed limit for a time.
CAUTION! Right around the corner might, or should I say WILL, be patches of black ice, thick ice, and snow drifts.
That's just how it's going to be for a while.
Many drivers get excited when they can finally get moving, only to find themselves in trouble when they are surprised by slick spots, around a corner, or on the other side of a hill.
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