WOW look at that satellite photo.

Wyoming is all covered in clouds.



On this day there was not a cloud in the sky.

That's all snow on the ground for the entire state of Wyoming and most of the surrounding region.

Take a moment to scan that photo, here it is again, and you'll be able to pick out every Wyoming mountain range.

attachment-Wyoming snow cover

All of this snow is going to keep us cooler for a while.

Temperatures do rise in our region, but all that snow reflects most of the sunlight back into space and all most of that heat along with it.

In the past couple of month's, I've posted about our progress and coming out of the drought that's been with us for the past 3 years.

Droughts come and go over the years in regular cycles, much like the shorter cycles of our 4 seasons.

You can see how that's progressing, in part, right here in this photo from space.

Now, let's zoom out and look at the western region of the United States, all of which has been in that drought.

At the time this photo was taken there were very few clouds across this area.

attachment-Regional snow cover

What you see here will help fill the Colorado river, from Wyoming right down and round to California.

There are entire reservoirs that have been at record lows.

A large amount of regional snowfall so early in the year will help fill that deficit.

Much more is forecasted for mid-winter and spring.

What you are seeing is a drought buster.

Enjoy the view.

WEIRD Wyoming Snow Drifts April Blizzard 2022

Snow Crushes Wheatland, Wyoming Airplane Hangars

This row of hangars goes back many years. Some history was lost under a crush of snow.

March 21st, 2021. A record-breaking snowstorm had shut down most of Wyoming and was not yet done. Below is a gallery of photos as cleanup continues.

One of the small airports in Platte County, Wyoming is Phifer Airfield on Antelope Gap Road, east of Wheatland. Platte County has the Wheatland airport, along with one in Torrington and Guernsey. They were all shut down in the storm.

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